Julie Meerschwam

Julie Meerschwam

Rohingya Cyclone Campaign

Raising money for the terrific nonprofit MOAS as they prepare for cyclone season in the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh.

Campaign Details

In anticipation of cyclone season, which is expected to cause devastation to the Rohingya refugee camps, MOAS is raising funds to:

  • reinforce their own medical stations so they can keep open during cyclone season
  • stockpile medicine
  • create mobile medical teams to reach people who are inaccessible due to flooding

If you’ve heard about this crisis and have even cursorily cared about it, please consider donating something. What seems like a small amount to us, pays for a vaccine that can save a child’s life. Donations may not solve this crisis, but they make an extraordinary difference for a single person or family. All donations will be matched, so you’re doing twice the good!

This campaign successfully reached its funding goal and ended 6 years ago
108% Funded
  • €1,080.00 Donated
  • €1,000.00 Goal
  • 21 Donors
Time left to donate